JSC GEOMASH renders services in production of various types of parts and constructions by drawings of the Customer. Having a modern machine train, JSC GEOMASH renders services in separate operations of metal work.

Wire and cut EDM machine Sodick AQ750LH
Cutting of parts from conducting material of any hardness up to 600 mm thick and dimensions to 1050x750mm with cutting accuracy up to 2 microns and surface undulation of Ra=0,1mkm. Cutting of parts at an angle to 15 degrees is possible.Turning
The HAAS complex allows to make turning of parts with a diameter up to 1000 mm and up to 5000 mm long.Watch the video
Turning of complex parts
Turning of complex parts with simultaneous performance of milling and drilling operations with one set of blank with a diameter up to 400 mm and up to 1000 mm long.Five-coordinate turning-drilling-milling-boring processing
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Boring-and-milling processing of parts
Boring-and-milling processing of parts with dimensions of 1600х500х500 mm. The set includes a gauge head "Renishow". Application of the processing complex HURCO allows to increase rate and quality of production of equipment, stamps, compression molds, special tools and industrial equipment.
This complex allows to produce compression molds for a foundry site on the consumable patterns.
Boring and rolling of hydraulic cylinder barrels
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Profiled cutting of metal. Bystar 3015 laser machine
Profiled cutting of sheet metal of 3000 x 1500 mm in size and from 0.8 to 25 mm thick. Profiled cutting of round and rectangular pipes with wall thickness to 20 mm inclusive with a diameter from 15 to 315 mm and 2700 mm long, pipes with a diameter less than 155 mm can be processed with total length to 6500 mm.Watch the video.

Bending of intricate shapes from sheet metal
Bending of intricate shapes from sheet metal up to 3000 mm width. Work effort of a press- to 225 t. Three-point bending of sheet metal from 0.8 to 12 mm thick and up to 2800 mm long on the sheet bending press "Hammerle". The bending press is controlled by modern CNC system providing the reference accuracy of a bending angle along the whole length. It is possible to produce complex shape parts, including with closed contours, in one complete cycle.Watch the video.
Processing of spur and spiral gears
Processing spur and spiral gears with a diameter up to 800 mm and the module up to 10. The machine is used for milling with high precision of spur and spiral gears. Diameter of the processed blanks- to 800 mm, thickness- to 200 mm, limits of modules- from 2 to 10. The CNC system allows to control accurately working process for achievement of maximum accuracy of gear milling.Watch the video.
Dimensioned bending of pipes
Dimensioned bending of pipes with a diameter up to 65 mm. The SOCO machine for dimensioned bending of pipes with a diameter from 10 to 65 mm by mandrel and mandrelles methods. The maximum length of a pipe at bending with mandrel- 3000 mm, the maximum bending radius- 250 mm, the maximum bending angle 180 degrees. Allows to produce parts of complex shapes from pipe blanks without damage of part surface.Watch the video.
3D heat treatment of details
3D heat treatment of parts: hardening, tempering, normalizing. Surface tempering: cementation, nitriding, HFC hardening. Heat-treatment furnace "Nakal" with capacity of working space of 3000 cu dm. Width is 1500 mm, height- 1000 mm, length- 2000 mm. Maximum temperature of heating- 1250 °.Watch the video.